Tuesday, December 1, 2015

November 2015

Throwback all the way to October 2015, company bowling event. 
Our times with E. So touching and i cried.
Thankyou for rushing out for 2 hours just to accompany me for movie despite you got work. 

13 November 2015, USS with peep. 

Gathering with shirlyn, sukiya. *slurp*

25 november 2015, birthday surprise for best friend! 
Bought ballons and a bouquet of brocoli for her as surprise! 😘 
21st birthday surprise together with ivan! 
Thankyou for being my best friend for the past 8 years. Fortunate to have you through good and bad times!

28th november 2015, 
Back to office for gym before Cherryl's birthday. 

Hope you like the present jiejie prepared for you. 😘 
And lucky me, mananged to snap picture with jarius. 

29th November 2015, National Gallery with peep.

That sum it up with October and November 2015

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