Monday, October 14, 2013

The last teen (19th) birthday party,

Thankyou for every single one who came down to celebrate this last teen birthday with me. Appreciate it, every single wishes and thoughts. Sincerely thankyou.

Outfit of the day, 
Dress: Polka Dots Romper (Blogshopping, Roseark)
Necklace: Chanel Classic 
Wallet: Prada 
Shoe: Taobao

My younger sister, 

Elder and young sister, 

My siblings, the people who will be there together with me. Thanks for everything that night, thanks for helping and hosting that day! 
Keriner, thankyou for coming despite being have busy schedule and stuff. I heard that something happen but you still came. Sincerely appreciate it. Thankyou babe! 

Keriner and her super tall bf! Thanks for coming! 

Daniel the brother, thankyou the awesome brother for coming down straight after he book out! The one who dote his sister like a princess, always remind myself to take care of myself! 
Thanks brother! ;)
Zixuan, the super motherly sister! The one see me cry and laugh before! Thanks for staying by my side through ups and downs, I might not be around you so often anymore but no matter what thankful for what you had taught me and all the best for your tai tai life! Thanks for coming despite busy schedule! ;)
Junxian, the October brother. Thanks for coming and thanks for trusting me and supporting me since years back. The awesome group of working mates. Thanks for coming! ;)
Amos, the second sweetest guy I ever met! Girls who are single do grab good guys, hahaha, promoting. ;) he's super gentlemen  and thoughtful brother. Seriously a good guy, thanks for coming and supporting me through the years too!  ;)
Cheryl, zharbo. The super stubborn girl who will fight and protect us everytime, maybe I should say Hyatt girls are always like that! Strong in someway. Hahah. Thanks for your sweet letter and daisy🌸and present zharbo! Appreciate so much and thankyou for rushing down for me despite you have other events on after that! Thanks! ;)
The super awesome Hyatt working mates! Mad love them! 
My best friend, my sister, my listener, my advicer, someone who understand me the best. And of course my twinny for the night, so shocking that we came out to be wearing the same design dress on the party! Everyone was laughing and so shocked, maybe should say the super strong telepathy! Thank god for having her! ❤️ 
Qiule, without Jessica there won't be Qiule. Qiule is a super nice girl, the one who always think of others before herself! She put in super lots of effort on us, thankyou very much and thankyou for being part of my life! ❤️ 
Gladys, the one who always disturb me in the past, but I know she's joking! Hahah! Thanks for coming despite having work few hours before my party! Thanks! ;) 
Alvin, the super sweet guy I ever met in my life! He would put in super lots of effort and he respect girls fully, I don't think you can find anyone like him anymore. Thanks for coming and rushing over after your camp! Appreciate! 
James, the 3 year classmate!
Never thought that we will be close again, thanks for trusting us and being part of us! Thanks! 
Weilun, the super nonsense but super funny guy! Without him my secondary class will be boring! Thankyou for coming and forever you joke make me laugh like nobody's business! Thanks!  
Minghui, the super smart guy! Top in class but the super humble one! Always teach us, hahaha, the expert! Thanks for staying as friends in our life! Appreciate!
Ho Nina! The super steady friend! Always disturb us but super Nice! I know you shy! Hahahah thanks for coming! Dream girl! 
Leroy, thanks for coming despite being busy. The guy who taught me so much, and let me have the different mindset as other teenager. Thanks, 
Yifei, the 320 group. Not some church or gang group, I'm a good girl! Hahah! It just a whatsapp group name! It's good to know you, super brotherly! Thankyou for coming! 
Zoel, the annoying asshole who always bully me. But he still dote me like a sister at times. Hahah, thanks for coming alright! 
Alvin chia, the another annoying kid. Who always verbally bully me, he always disturb me saying that I'm no longer sp student and stuff! But they are the nicest among all, thanks for coming! 
Ethan, the class monitor! Hahah! Super nice and always help us when we need! Where to find such brotherly friend! Thanks Ethan! Miss you being class monitor! Hahah! Thanks for coming too! 
Zhenghui, the quiet guy but always got disturb also! Thanks for coming! ;)
The 320 group! Thanks for coming!!! ;) 
GIc team, thanks for coming. 
The Dcpe closest group! ;) 

And there goes happy 19th birthday to myself! Thankyou everyone for coming! 😘❤️ 

Thankyou for all those people who help out, thanks! 


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